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Online Admission →Google has signed a MoU with Universal Group of Institutions (UGI) for providing training to its engineering students within the campus.
Microsoft has signed a MoU with Universal Group of Institutions (UGI) for Microsoft Imagine Academy program.
Universal Group of Institutions (UGI) established authorized Autodesk Design and Engineering Club in 2015 by RCPL.
Universal Group of Institutions (UGI) has tied up with Godrej to open a workshop for Diploma and students.
Universal Group of Institutions (UGI) has tied up with Tally Solutions Private Limited to help educators professionally.
Universal Group of Institutions signed MoU with MEDY Health Technologies on 16 th January 2018 on the presence of the Company
Deepshika Kotwal
UGI has been a wonderful experience. I learnt a lot here, both academically and personally. My mentors, right from the beginning identified my strengths and provided opportunities galore to refine them. I recommend every aspiring student to experience UGI and enrich their lives.
Anurag Kachroo
UGI has provided an excellent exposure to us through seminars given by various academicians and experts from industries which groomed us with the real professionalism.
I thank my department and its faculty members for encouraging me to think globally and spread my wings to take off for the land of rising Sun and I appreciate the support of my College for shaping my career and getting me placed in such big Company.
Ravi Chawla
UGI has been a place where I found a unique blend of excellence and commitment. In UGI we have Great faculty, excellent facilities and wonderful ambience to learn and groom.