General Nursing & Midwifery
Universal Nursing College is the best GNM College in Punjab and Chandigarh. UNC offers diploma in‘General Nursing & Midwifery’ (GNM) is a 3 year and six month diploma programme designed for aspirants who want to pursue a career in clinical nursing. Diploma in GNM aims to prepare general nurses who can efficiently perform as members of the health team and capable of dealing the competencies in both the hospitals and other such organisations. The programme teaches students how to care for individuals who are sick or have been injured in order to help them attain full recovery. As nursing is a noble job, ‘Universal Institute of Nursing’ has ventured to flash the light on Medical Education by starting a ‘Nursing Institute’ to produce highly skilled and trained professional nurses, who are able to serve the humanity worldwide..

Duration : 3.5 Years (Including Internship)
Eligibility : 12th in Science (Medical/Non-Medical)
Career Opportunities
After completion of diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) students seek employment at Hospitals, Private clinics, Schools, Private offices, Training institutes, and physiotherapy centers:
- Staff Nurse
- Deputy Nursing Superintendent
- Ward Sister
- Nursing tutor
- Industrial Nurse
- Military Nurse/Railway Nurse