Diploma in Computer Science Engineering | Best Computer Science Engineering Colleges | Top Computer Science Engineering College in Punjab | Best Computer Science Engineering College in Chandigarh
Admission Help: 92160-77002, 92160-77003

Student Speaks

  • UGI has been a wonderful experience. I learnt a lot here, both academically and personally. My mentors, right from the beginning identified my strengths and provided opportunities galore to refine them. I recommend every aspiring student to experience UGI and enrich their lives.

    Deepshika Kotwal
  • UGI has provided an excellent exposure to us through seminars given by various academicians and experts from industries which groomed us with the real professionalism.

    Anurag Kachroo
    Competent Synergies
  • I thank my department and its faculty members for encouraging me to think globally and spread my wings to take off for the land of rising Sun and I appreciate the support of my College for shaping my career and getting me placed in such big Company.

    HCL Technologies
  • UGI has been a completely enriching experience. I have acquired lot of confidence through various platforms provided by the College such as, Youth Fest , Tech Fest, Virsa etc which gave us opportunity to present our innate creativity and talent.

    Manpreet Singh
    Yamaha Motors
  • UGI has been a place where I found a unique blend of excellence and commitment. In UGI we have Great faculty, excellent facilities and wonderful ambience to learn and groom.

    Ravi Chawla
    Gates India

Diploma in Computer Science Engineering

Universal Polytechnic College is the best ‘Computer Science Engineering College’ in Punjab and Chandigarh.The Diploma programme in Computer Science and Engineering is meant for the students who have passed 10th standard. In an outstanding education environment complemented by superior teaching for its students to flourish in the program, the major areas of teaching include Algorithms, System Programming, Operating System, Data Structures, Computer Architecture & Organisation, Image Processing, DBMS, Microprocessor, Systems Analysis and Design Computer Networks, Graphics, Computer Maintenances, etc.The aim of Diploma Course is to strive for excellence in creating, applying and imparting knowledge in computer science and engineering through comprehensive educational programmes and service to professional societies, the community and the Nation.The department has highly qualified & dynamic staff to motivate the students through mini projects & competitions. The exhaustive course has been designed to meet the demands of the current trend of an IT industry. Close interaction with the industry has led to the evolution of a teaching system, which produces diligent and erudite engineers.The students get an exposure to various aspects of computer hardware, software and practical handling of computers.The Department has state of the art Computer Lab with latest configuration of computers. The Institute has 90 computers with 2 Mbps Lease Line. A separate Blade server of HCL has been installed in the laboratory.


Laboratories are well-equipped with more than hundred computers with latest software & hardware. In addition to internet surfing lab, the laboratories have workstation clusters connected on LANs which in turn are connected to a high bandwidth RF Link for uninterrupted connectivity to World Wide Web.

  • Computer Science & Engg. Laboratories
  • Data communication Laboratory
  • Computer Programming Laboratory
  • Introduction to IT Laboratory

Career Opportunities

Successful graduates on completion of Diploma in Computer Engineering course will be able to work in different career fields both in private and public sectors.These sectors may include Multi-National Organisations, Network fields, Academic Institutes, Aerospace sector, Defence sector, healthcare companies, retail companies, agriculture sectors, manufacturing companies, testing companies, development areas, maintenance etc.Major Job Profiles include web designer, programmer, technical writer, networking expert, mobile computing expert, system analyst, software engineer,operations executive, cloud architect and SaaS architect, system administrator, mobile application developer, network administrator, etc.

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