Education Loan Assistance

Education has now become a must for all, if you want to grow into life. If you need good job, social life and professional growth you must have solid education. However, education has also become costly. But high cost of education should not be an obstacle in pursuing education.
If you think, high cost of education will be an obstacle for you in pursuing education; you are at the right place. UGI helps people borrow loans for the purpose of education. We are here to help students to get financial assistance so that they can pursue and complete their education. Loan will help you arrange enough money to meet your educational needs. You can apply through our online application form, sitting in the comfort of your home.
Advanteages of Student Loan
The best advantage we offer is that we help students and parents specially designed education loans. With the education loans arranged by us, you can meet almost all of your education needs including:-
- Paying off Course Fee
- Accommodation rent
- Buying Computer/Laptop
- Transportation charges
Banks list where you can apply for study loan through UGI
- Vijaya Bank
- HDFC Bank
- Axis Bank
- State Bank Of India