Admission Helplines: 92160-77002, 92160-77003

Student Speaks

  • UGI has been a wonderful experience. I learnt a lot here, both academically and personally. My mentors, right from the beginning identified my strengths and provided opportunities galore to refine them. I recommend every aspiring student to experience UGI and enrich their lives.

    Deepshika Kotwal
  • UGI has provided an excellent exposure to us through seminars given by various academicians and experts from industries which groomed us with the real professionalism.

    Anurag Kachroo
    Competent Synergies
  • I thank my department and its faculty members for encouraging me to think globally and spread my wings to take off for the land of rising Sun and I appreciate the support of my College for shaping my career and getting me placed in such big Company.

    HCL Technologies
  • UGI has been a completely enriching experience. I have acquired lot of confidence through various platforms provided by the College such as, Youth Fest , Tech Fest, Virsa etc which gave us opportunity to present our innate creativity and talent.

    Manpreet Singh
    Yamaha Motors
  • UGI has been a place where I found a unique blend of excellence and commitment. In UGI we have Great faculty, excellent facilities and wonderful ambience to learn and groom.

    Ravi Chawla
    Gates India

Universal Institute of Nursing | Best Nursing colleges in Punjab, Chandigarh

Nursing is a profession focused on assisting individuals, families, and communities in attaining, re-attaining, and maintaining optimal health and functioning.

Department of Nursing

Universal Institute of Nursing UION is the best ‘Nursing colleges’ in the state of Punjab and it is one of the premier institutes introducing new ideas, which will transform the present competitive nursing environment and requirements into super professionalism. UION welcomes and invites the students to join and be empowered by the high quality education imparted at Universal Institute of Nursing where we groom them into perfect professional. It is serving to promote health, prevent sickness and provides bedside care to the sick and suffering.

With the passage of success, the Universal group of Institutions has decided to groom the talents in the field of nursing hence they have started providing ,Bachelors degree in nursing after taking proper affiliation from the government. Well-qualified staffs are hired under whom students could be groomed in best possible manner and the way institution is delivering the resulting in the field of nursing course has made the best college of nursing in Punjab and Chandigarh region.

Nursing is the most challenging job of the society where one individual needs to be active and alert because they directly deal with the health issues of patients and sometimes they do wonders in critical situations. Hence by keeping all the practical scenarios in mind, our experts organise their sessions and at the end of the training period, students get a chance to practice in hospitals as well. This has been kept in practice so that after passing out students could be aware of the real world and with the increasing range of students inspires us to become in the list of best college of nursing in Punjab and Chandigarh region.

Sometimes students get hopeless when they do not get selected in medical examination, but for them, nursing is the best option from where they can serve the health department. In this regard, you will get proper guidance from the Universal Group of Institutions. Courses which are being offered under the nursing stream are as mentioned below:

Courses offered at Universal Institute of Nursing

B.Sc Nursing

After completion of intermediate, the student can apply for a bachelors degree in Nursing which will be of 3 years course and post-completion they will become eligible to apply for government hospital or Masters in Nursing.

Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery (ANM)

If you are willing to start your career in science and health care profession then ANM will be the best for you, the duration for the course will be of 3 years.

General Nursing & Midwifery(GNM)

Universal group of institution offers 3 years diploma course in GNM and hence if you are aiming to become a member of health care institution then just browse the website of the institution and apply for admission

Career Opportunities

Nurses who have completed the ANM/GNM or B.Sc nursing course can work as primary health workers and midwifes in primary health care centres that are spread throughout the length and breadth of the country.

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