Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering at UPC is the best Mechanical Engineering College in Punjab for imparting education to the students. UPC has excellent facilities of modern laboratories which are well equipped with the latest equipment to carry out practicals like 3 phase Induction Motor, Star / Delta Stator, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Earth Wires, Single Phase Ac Supply, Piezometer Tube,Single / Double Column Material Specimens, Grinding Wheel, the Magnets, Heat Treatment Furnace, Pyrometer, Thermocouple, Anemometer, Venturimeter, Model of Centrifugal Pump, Thermocouple,Pyrometer, Infrared Thermometer, Air Compressor etc.

Strength of Materials laboratory Machines laboratory Fluid Mechanics laboratory Heat Transferlaboratory Thermodynamics laboratory Material Testing Laboratory
- Strength of Materials laboratory
- Machines laboratory
- Fluid Mechanics laboratory
- Heat Transfer laboratory
- Thermodynamics laboratory
- Material Testing Laboratory
Carpentry Shop Machine Shop Fitting Shop Welding Shop Foundry Shop Electrical Shop
- Carpentry Shop
- Machine Shop
- Fitting Shop
- Welding Shop
- Foundry Shop
- Electrical Shop
Career Opportunities
After the completion of mechanical diploma course, lots of opportunities are there in different fields of manufacturing, production, services and development. Candidate can work in both private and public sectors or can pursuing advance diploma course or take direct admission in B.Tech 2nd year.