IIPC was established with the objective to IIPC reduce the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic offerings (theory) by direct involvement of industry. We believe that quality human resource is the biggest asset of any industry and is the major source of development of any economy. Thus we endeavour to train our nation builders i.e. youth in the way the industry demands so that they are readily equipped by the industry. In this domain the strength of the institute lies in its qualified and experienced faculty, well equipped workshops and state of art infrastructure. The IIPC cell identifies the industrial needs by undertaking various studies on gap analysis. The students are then prepared according to the demand. Faculty of the group also keeps on interacting with industrial and equip themselves with latest practice and also helps the industry in solving their problems. Management of Universal Group also sponsors IIPC cell to the tune of 4-5 lakhs per annum. Following are the key activities performed by the IIPC *Industry-Institute Collaborations *Undertake gay analysis studies *Facilitates hands-on-practical training of students on the industry shop floors, units, fields etc. *Organising industry experts interaction sessions at campus and at industrial premises for the students and faculty. *Organising industrial visits in order to give exposure to students. *Organising brain storming sessions, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions and workshops. *Implementing joint research and development projects and consultancy projects.