Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering at UIET is the best Civil Engineering College in Chandigarh and Punjab and it offers a graduate program leading to the degree of Master's in Civil Engineering. The Civil Engineering Department is equipped with all facilities of teaching and research activities related to educational approach. The students imbibes theoretical concepts in classrooms, while practical exposure is ensured though hands on experience in the labs and guest lectures by experts from industry.

B.Tech with at least 55% marks or AMIE (Associate Member of Institute of Engineers) with at least 55% marks.
Career Opportunities
Civil Engineers have plenty of options to work as building developers, town developer, canal works, city planners, road & rail transport developer, dam & bridge developer and any workplace wherein the building/construction/physical creativity or natural resourcing creativity is involved.
- Structural Engineer
- Architectural Engineer
- Offshore Engineer
- Control Engineer
- Construction Engineer
- Municipal and Urban Engineer
- Material Engineer
- Water Resources Engineer