ME Deptt. of UGI organized a Technical Guest Lecture on Manufacturing Systems on 27 Jan 2015.

Technical Guest Lecture
Mechanical Engineering Department, Universal group of Institutes, Lalru organized a Technical Guest Lecture for the students of Mechanical Engineering on 27/01/2015 at Seminar Hall from 11:00 am – 01:00 pm.
Dr. Suman Kant, Assistant Professor, Production Engineering, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, was the resource person. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by Er. Sandeep Singh Sangwan, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering, UIET, Lalru. After that the Resource Person gave his presentation on the topic Quality Improvement in Manufacturing.
He shared his views with the students how to maintain quality control (without increasing cost!), which only requires streamlining the production process so the finished product meets the companys quality standards. He also explained the various techniques and tips for improving quality to help the business produce the best products in an industry.
The students found the session to be highly informative and useful. The students got benefitted through this programme.