ECE and EE deptt. of UPC organized a quiz competition on 25th Feb. 2015.

1. Quiz competition was organized by ECE and EE department, UPC on 25 Feb, 2015 in seminar hall.
2. The function started at 12:30 PM.
3. In the competition there were total 5 rounds:
a) General knowledge
b) Science and technology
c) Sports
d) Guess the image
e) Rapid fire
4. Six teams comprising 3 students each participated in the event.
5. Approximately 50 students were present for the event.
6. The winning teams were as follows:
1st- ME department
2nd -ECE department
3rd - EE department
7. At the end of the event a motivated speech was given by Mr. Mohit Gupta (Dean, UPC).