CE Department of UGI organized Technical Quiz Competition on 1 Sept, 2015

The main motive to conduct a Quiz Competition under Archives Club was to encourage the team spirit among the students Moreover; the students were motivated to participate in the same to increase technical knowledge. Basically, it was introduced to enhance their learning capabilities.
Details of the Event:
- 7 Teams of team size 3 were formed.
- Vikas Dhawan, Director UIET, Mr. M. Singh, Mr. Sandeep Sanghwan , HOD ME Deptt., Ms Prabhjot Kaur, HOD CSE, Mr. Vikas Sharma, HOD Applied science and other faculty members were at the judges end and marked their valuable presence on the day.
- The Quiz was based on the theme:Technical Quiz and was divided in three rounds.
- The event started well by Mr. Gulzar. Apart from this, Mr. Yashpal well managed the scoreboard.Also, the presentation was prepared and managed by Mr. Randeep Singh.
- At the end of the event, winners and participants were awarded momentos and certificates by Dr. Vikas Dhawan, Director(Engg).
- The celeberations ended with the motivational words of Dr. Vikas Dhawan, Director UIET.
Winners :
- Team D; Designers
- Team G; Builders