Applied Science Deptt. of UIET Conducted a Industrial Visit on Metal Fabrication

The students of B.Tech 1st year programme from applied science department undertook an industrial visit to Medha engineers and technology, Industrial area, Mohali on 8th Oct, 2015. Mr. Sarabjeet Singh & Ms. Mamta Sharma from applied science supervised this industrial visit. Medha Engineers and Technology is a unit of Metal sheet fabrication. The students learnt about the production process of metal fabrication. They were explained the technical aspects of manufacturing and fabrication of metals by Head the of organization Mr.Manoj Thakur. Students learnt that Metal fabrication is the building of metal structures by cutting, bending, and assembling processes. The supervisor of the production explained different processes Like Cutting, Bending, Assembling Cutting is done by sawing, shearing or chiselling , torching with hand-held torches; and via numerical control (CNC) cutters (using a laser, mill bits, torch, or water jet) Bending is done by hammering Assembling (joining of the pieces) is done by welding, binding with adhesives, riveting, threaded fasteners, or even yet more bending in the form of a crimped seam. Structural steel and sheet metal are the usual starting materials for fabrication, along with the welding wire, flux, and fasteners that will join the cut pieces. Students were also explained thoroughly that Metal Fabrication is a value added process which involves the construction of machines and structures from various raw materials. Large fabrication shops will employ a multitude of value added processes in one plant or facility including welding, cutting, forming and machining. These large shops offer additional value to their customers by limiting the need for purchasing personnel to locate multiple vendors for different services.