ME Deptt. of UIET Conducted an Industrial Visit to "ETE ELECTROGEARS PVT. LIMITED, DERABASSI"

The students of Mechanical Engineering of Universal Group of Institutions, Lalru along with faculty members visited ETE ELECTRO GEARS PVT. LTD, DERA BASSI, PUNJAB on 09 OCTOBER 2015. ELECTROGEARS Ltd. Is one of the top manufacturers of gears in India. Also electro gears are a leading manufacturer and exporter of electric panels in India & abroad. This plant is situated in focal point industrial area Dera Bassi and is spread in 10 acres. The students learn about CNC Turret, CNC bending, shearing machine, conventional bending machines, heat treatment shop. Before proceeding to the manufacturing section students were briefly explained about basic AutoCAD based on designing, drafting and scaling in manufacturing processes. They got the basic knowledge and experience of various manufacturing processes like bending, surface finishing, pretreatment processes, TIG and MIG welding etc. Mr. Diwaker Chandra in-charge briefed the students about the processes, practical applications which are related to the basic concepts of manufacturing that students are studying in their curriculum. A number of queries were asked by the students on processes and machine working.
The CNC machine section in which cutting and bending of sheets is main attraction of the students. The first time student got the knowledge of CNC programming and various operations performed on CNC machines. Also some CNC machines which were under repair in this section also shown to the students describing function of each and every electronic and mechanical parts. The students feel highly enthusiastic and motivated after this visit. We are thankful to Mr. Diwaker Chandra. For providing this golden opportunity.