ECE Deptt. organised a Technical workshop on Embedded System and Programming in C/C++

ECE department successfully organised one day workshop on industrial applications on Embedded System and Programming in C/C++ language in association with Techno Specs Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on 9th March, 2016. It is a Scientific Forum aimed to present and discuss the leading achievements in the modelling, analysis, design, validation and application of embedded computing systems and programming in C/C++. Embedded system is the core of every intelligent device. Everything around us from a simple watch to the space ship is using embedded systems. Our mobile phones, PDAs, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Automobile and all the automated electronics gadgets are having one or another form of embedded systems responsible for their intelligent functioning. Electronic devices are rapidly finding applications in many of the areas, from simple coffee vending machines to space science to environmental friendly products such as big belly etc.
Main aim of this training module was to make the students skill full and efficient for all the hardware and software related concepts. The objective of the workshop was to provide an opportunity for students and faculty members to discuss new applications, design problems, ideas, solutions, research and development results, experiences and work-in-progress in these important technological areas. Mr. Balwinder Thakur from Techno Specs was the speaker for embedded system. He presented the topic to ECE students in a very nice way. Mr. Nikhil Rana was the speaker for the software on C/C++. At the end Mr. Balwinder Thakur also demonstrated the use of Raspberry Pi software. The workshop was a combination of lecture and hands on practice that provided an overview on embedded systems. Engineers, enthusiasts, and students were provided with a foundation on Embedded System. At the end of this workshop, all the participants were awarded with a 'Certificate of Participation'.