UGI Organized an Industrial Visit of Foreign Delegates to ETE Electrogears (Derabassi)

Universal Group of Institutions, Lalru organised Industrial Visit on 7th March 2016 at ETE Electrogears. Delegates from Afghanistan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Lesotho, Kenya, Thailand, Ghana, Togo, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, St. Vincent & Grenadines, Uganda, South Africa, Thailand and Sudan participated in the Industrial Visit. Dr. Rishi Raj Singh, Director (Training UEPA) & Training officer, The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development came with the delegation.
Mr. Chandra, Manager, Human resource welcomed students and faculty members at ETE Electrogears. The Delegates were explained various operations taking place on the shop floor. The Delegates also experienced corporate ambience and culture during their visit to different departments inside the industry campus. The Industrial Visit was accompanied by Mr. Ravi Pratap Singh, Asst. TPO, Universal Group of Institutions. During the visit the Delegates asked many questions in regards to the working style of the labors and machinery at the plant.