UIET NSS Unit celebrated NATIONAL VOTERS' DAY in UGI on 25th January 2017

UIET NSS Unit celebrated NATIONAL VOTERS' DAY in Universal Group of Institutions, Lalru on 25th January 2017, the day on which the Election Commission of India (ECI) was established.
The objective of this event was to aware students and faculty members about their right to franchise and the importance of voting and increases the voter turnout on polling day. The focus was on popularizing electoral participation and disseminating information about electoral processes Principal, all Head of Departments, faculty members and students were present there. All the students and faculty members were urging to take a 'pledge to vote'.
All the students above 18 years and faculty members are encouraged to be registered in the electoral rolls and participating in voting. The stress was given on that the young voters should vote in the ethical values and chooses government accordingly. While speaking, Ms. Priyanka Patiyal, Assistant Professor, she stressed that voting is the way of expression of opinion and brings change for the better. She motivated students to use their Right to Vote as youth’s participation in political process would strengthen Indian Democracy.
Ms. Priyanka Patiyal conducted the oath ceremony. Students and staff took oath that they must cast their vote during elections. The outcome of the event was to popularize the slogan "Voting is not only our right but also need and duty."