Civil Engineering Deptt. organised its maiden Panel Discussion on Renewable Energy

The event started with the welcome note presented by Er. Saurabh Bali, AP CE Deptt. UIET followed by the formal welcome address given by Dr. Swati Sharma, Principal UIET for Dr. Poonam Syal, Associate Professor,Electrical Engineering Department, NITTTR Sec26, Chandigarh and Mr. Sanjeev Kaul, HOD Civil Engineering Department, CCET Sec 26 Chandigarh. Sh. R.K. Kapoor, Principal UPC, Ms. Kshipra Gupta HOD CE Deptt,UIET, Mr. Sanjeev Chopra, HOD ECE, UIET , Mr. Vikas Sharma, HOD Applied Science, UIET , Er. Ankit
Chauhan, AP CE Deptt UIET were among the others dignitaries who graced the occasion and participated in Panel Discussion.
Dr. Poonam Syal touches the various renewable energy sources such as sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water and various forms of biomass. She further discussed various Government schemes and their usage pattern. Mr. Sanjeev Kaul mainly foccussed on various areas of Concrete Technology. Firstly, he discussed the optimum water cement ratio. Secondly, he touched the design criteria’s. Moreover, he discussed the various projects and its benefits.