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Student Speaks

  • UGI has been a wonderful experience. I learnt a lot here, both academically and personally. My mentors, right from the beginning identified my strengths and provided opportunities galore to refine them. I recommend every aspiring student to experience UGI and enrich their lives.

    Deepshika Kotwal
  • UGI has provided an excellent exposure to us through seminars given by various academicians and experts from industries which groomed us with the real professionalism.

    Anurag Kachroo
    Competent Synergies
  • I thank my department and its faculty members for encouraging me to think globally and spread my wings to take off for the land of rising Sun and I appreciate the support of my College for shaping my career and getting me placed in such big Company.

    HCL Technologies
  • UGI has been a completely enriching experience. I have acquired lot of confidence through various platforms provided by the College such as, Youth Fest , Tech Fest, Virsa etc which gave us opportunity to present our innate creativity and talent.

    Manpreet Singh
    Yamaha Motors
  • UGI has been a place where I found a unique blend of excellence and commitment. In UGI we have Great faculty, excellent facilities and wonderful ambience to learn and groom.

    Ravi Chawla
    Gates India

UIN celebrated world breastfeeding week (WBW) 2017


UIN, 9 AUGUST 2017 –The UNIVERSAL INSTITUTE OF NURSING in collaboration with the hospital authority (CHC Lalru ), today celebrate world breastfeeding week (WBW) 2017 and promote public awareness of supporting breastfeeding . WBW celebrates annually in the first week of august in more than 170 countries . The theme for this year is “Breastfeeding: A key to sustainable development.”The World Health organisation (WHO) recommends that babies should be breastfed exclusively in the first six months. Thereafter solid foods should be introduced while breastfeeding can continue until the child is 2 years old or above. Addressing the event, Mrs. Sukhdeep Kaur (Nursing Tutor), Miss Manjula (Clinical instructor ),organised event on WBW at CHC Lalru , where students did the various activities i.e. poetry , speech , Drama etc .The main focus is on beastfeddding not only provide the best nutrition for babies , but also strengthen the immunity of babies , promote emotional bonding between mothers and children , and benefits for babies and mother ` growth and development of society as it is both convenient and environmentally friendly . During the event , The SMO of the CHC Lalru ,Dr Prince Sodhi , said , “To facilitate exclusive breastfeeding , Nursing students , staff , all health care workers should provide more support to mothers while they are in hospital . The implementation of the baby friendly hospital initiative ‘ ten steps to successful to breastfeeding in hospital is the cornerstone to promoting exclusive breastfeeding . At the last he appreciate our students for their best performance on this event.

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