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Student Speaks

  • UGI has been a wonderful experience. I learnt a lot here, both academically and personally. My mentors, right from the beginning identified my strengths and provided opportunities galore to refine them. I recommend every aspiring student to experience UGI and enrich their lives.

    Deepshika Kotwal

UGI organized an Industrial Visit for EE students of UIET.



Industrial visits represent important activities in an engineering undergraduate programme that contribute to the achievement of various essential learning outcomes and programme objectives. Electrical energy is a basic and vast field. Throughout the distribution system, the voltages suitable to the applications at industry and homes. In this case a substation was identified as a site to be visited by Electrical Engineering 3rd sem students.

Details of the Visit:

The Industrial Visit planning started by contacting the substation 220kV, Lalru management. On the scheduled date, the students were taken to substation premises by Er. Manish, Electrical Engineer, Substation and Er. Kshipra Gupta, HOD EE Deptt., UIET and Mr. Satwant Singh, Lab Attendant, UIET.

The following Electrical infrastructure and their working were shown and explained to the students by the deputed engineer.

  1. I/P = 220kV

O/P = 66kV

  1. Two number of step down Transformers(220/66kV) installed.
  2. Cooling of Transformer.
  3. Working and the purpose of silica gel
  4. Color of silica gel
  5. Insulator pin type
  6. CT and PT for HT
  7. Cables rating, power transmission capacity
  8. Lightning arrestor, its working
  9. Communication line, its working and purpose
  10. Isolator
  11. Circuit Breakers(vacuum, air and SF6)
  12. Various control panels
  13. Record registers


  1. Recognize the distribution system and its units- Transformers, isolators, CTs & PTs, Lightning arrestors, CBs and relays.
  2. Identify Input and output for the various units through control panels and meters.
  3. Experience the importance of working safely.
  4. Understand the concept of distribution system and transformers.


Industrial visit provides the students with real practical experience that is very useful in the four year program. It enables the educational institutions to build close ties with industrial experts and also to achieve thelearning outcomes to students.



HOD EE Department, UIET.

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