ME Deptt. of UIET organized a workshop on "Demonstration of NX CAD/CAM" for students of ME on 13 March, 2018

Kadkraft System Pvt. Ltd. is one of the organization deals with a number of Industry relevant PLM software's from Siemens - NX CAD/CAM and Solid Edge and one of the prime supplier of various industry oriented software’s like NX- CAM, NX-CAD, KISS Soft, ADSTEFAN. This organization also works in the area to make familiar the industry employees in designing field. The Siemens is authorised training partner for NX CAD/CAM and solid edge. Mr Raman Gupta (Managing Director) of Kadkraft System Pvt. Ltd. along with Harpreet singh (Senior Application Engineer) and Imran Khan (Marketing executive training) visited the campus.
Mr Raman Gupta and Harpreet Singh assist the students and explained entire designing software. Following sections of designing softwares were discussed in the workshop:-
1. Design(Parametric and Direct solid/Surface Modelling)
2. Machine Assembly
3. Component Drafting
4. Engineering Analysis
5. Tool Design
6. Product Design
7. Industrial Design & Styling
8. Analysis & Simulation
9. CNC Machine
10. Analysis and Simulation