UGI Organised "Campus Placement Drive" by S. R Precision Components on 29 th March 2018

S. R Precision Components visited Universal Group of Institutions for "Campus Placement Drive" on 29 th March 2018 for the students of Diploma- ME (2018 passing out) for the post of Diploma Engineer- Trainee. Director Academics, Universal Group of Institutions, Ms. Prabhjot Kaur welcomed the HR Team of S. R Precision Components.
The Drive was started with the pre-placement talk followed by Technical and Personal Interview. Asst. TPO, Universal Group of Institutions, Mr. Ravi Pratap Singh said that 55 eligible candidates participated in this joint campus placement drive out of which 5 students got selected.
List of the selected students are as:
1. Daksh Panwar
2. Nawab Qurashi
3. Naveen Kumar
4. Abdul Wahid Qurashi
5. Shyam Sunder Mahato