UIMT organised a Guest Lecture on "The 4th Industrial Revolution and Agribusiness Sector in India:Preparing for future"

The guest lecture was hosted by UIMT on “ The 4th Industrial Revolution and Agribusiness Sector in India:Preparing for future". The Guest lecture was held on 30.03.2018 (Friday) in seminar hall of admin block from 1.00 P.M. onwards. For this guest lecture we have our guest speaker Prof.Sukhpal Singh,Center for management agriculture from IIM Ahemdabad. The main agenda for Guest lecture was Focusing agribusiness , as agriculture is one of the most challenging business and even government have taken various productive steps in the nutshell of development and growth. Agriculture is the main stay of Indian Economy. A new KRANTI is happening in India which acronym knowledge research and new tecnology.