Universal Institute Of Nursing celebrated World Hepatitis Day 2018

Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It’s commonly caused by a viral infection, but there are other possible causes of hepatitis. These include autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol. Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease that occurs when your body makes antibodies against your liver tissue.
Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus are the leading cause of liver cancer in the world, yet more than 80% of those affected with viral hepatitis are unaware of their status. Viral hepatitis does not restrict itself to one specific region or people, but is found worldwide making it a global epidemic.
Universal Institute Of Nursing celebrate World Hepatitis Day 2018 under the guidance of Principal Mrs Samta Rani and Ms Priya (health committee incharge). The day was celebrated at CHC Lalru by nursing students with the objective of providing health education and creating awareness among community people regarding hepatitis. Senior medical officer Dr. Prince Sodhi & all hospital staff given their valuable presence to encourage the students for creating awareness regarding prevention of hepatitis .