UIN celebrated world breastfeeding week (WBW) 2018

UIN, 6 AUGUST 2017 –The Universal Institute of Nursing today celebrated world breastfeeding week (WBW) 2018 and promote public awareness of supporting breastfeeding. WBW is celebrates annually in the first week of august in more than 170 countries. The theme for this year is "Breastfeeding: Foundation of life. "The World Health organisation (WHO) recommends that babies should be breastfeed exclusively in the first six months. The day was celebrated at CHC Lalru, where students give health education to the community people. The main focus is on breastfeeding not only provide the best nutrition for babies , but also strengthen the immunity of babies , promote emotional bonding between mothers and children , and benefits for babies and mother & growth and development of society as it is both convenient and environment friendly.
During the event , The SMO of CHC Lalru ,Dr Prince Sodhi , said , "To facilitate exclusive breastfeeding , Nursing students , staff & all health care workers should provide more support to mothers while they are in hospital. At the last he appreciate our students for their best performance on this event.