CE Deptt of UIET organised a Industrail Visit to Water Supply Treatment Plant, Sector 39, Chandigarh

Industrial visits represent important activities in an engineering undergraduate programme that contribute to the achievement of various essential learning outcomes and programme objectives. Civil Engineering is a basic and vast field including roads, buildings, irrigation and Environmental Engineering. In this visit the students of 5th sem gain the practical knowledge of the plant, where they counter with the many technical terms like sedimentation Tanks, Primary Treatment, secondary and tertiary treatment.
Details of the Visit:
The students were accompanied by Er. Sajad Ahmad, and Mr. Devender Singh, Civil UIET. The following Civil infrastructure and their working were shown and explained to the students by Mr. Ashok, JE Plant, Chandigarh.
1. Sedimentation Tank
2. Filters
3. Blower Room
4. Filter beds
5. Chlorine Towers
6. Lab(pH , Chlorine dosage)