Applied Science Deptt of UIET organised an Inter-department Science Quiz Competition

An Inter-department Science Quiz Competition was being organised by the department of Applied Science, UIET in its’ seminar hall on 14.09.2018. Respected Director Engineering (Dr.) Tarun Kumar Lohani initiated this event with sharing his words of wisdom among all the participants and then under the umbrella of Dr. Subodh kumar (HOD, App. Sci.) and other faculty members Ms. Nancy and Ms. Ritika (Quiz Convener), Mr. Sohan Lal (Anchor) and Mr. Ramnath (Quiz Coordinator) this event become successfully organized.
In addition, One team having four students from each engineering department participated in this competition. There were three rounds and each round had eight, six and four question round respectively. In final round, the department of Civil, UIET won this quiz competition and CSE department remained at 2nd. Further, all the HOD’s and respected faculty members from respective departments were also present during this event and more than hundred students from UIET enjoyed the event too. Finally, Dr. Subodh Kumar and other Judges committee including all the faculty members presented gifts to the winners.