UGI Celebrated Dussehra in the Campus

Keeping the festival spirit alive, Divya Shiksha Gurukul College of Education celebrated Dussehra on 29th Sep 2017 (Friday). India is known as a land of festivals and celebration and "Dussehra" is one of them which are unique in its perception and significance. Students and staff celebrated Dusshera with full zeal & vigor. The students performed a part of Ramlila in which conquer of Lord Rama over Ravana, which symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Sweets were distributed among students and staff To mark lord Rama ‘s victory over Ravan and to reinforce the message that good always triumphs over evil, the effigy of Ravana was burnt, along with which students and staff burnt one evil habit, while promising to shun it. . Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Chairman, Universal Group of Institutions, greeted all on the occasion with a message that sun rises to give us a message that darkness will always be beaten by the light. Let’s follow the same natural rule and celebrate the festival of Good Defeats Evil.