UGI Visited to Kisan Mela organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mohali

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mohali, organized a Kisan Mela on 15-10-2018 at Tanveer Hotel, Kurali. S. Balbir Singh Sidhu Honorable cabinet minister (Animal Husbandry, Dairy development and fisheries) was the chief guest. Vice chancellor GADVASU Guru (Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University) inaugurated the fair. The main focus of the fair was to make aware the farmers, how they can best utilize the paddy straw instead of burning, which causes various environmental and health issues. Many progressive farmers from nearby areas made their presence in the fair and advised others to adopt the advanced procedures and practices in agriculture to enhance their income. Various students from other institutes like Chitkara University and CGC landran have displayed their projects on terrace gardening and integrated farming and many more.
Sixty one students and four faculty members from our college reached the spot of and interacted with various scientists from different fields of agriculture and allied areas. Students got technical know how from the scientists and relevant printed literature, which is directly concerned with their syllabi. Since this is a paddy harvesting season, farmers were advised not to burn the paddy straw, they can use the same in various other forms like urea treated paddy as a fodder for the animals, scientists from GADVASU have made some feed preparations in which they used different percentages of paddy. They also demonstrated the use of paddy in animal houses and in making compost for the mushroom cultivation. Hope the same types of visit to fairs and exhibitions will be approved by Honorable Chairman Sir, in future. These types of exposures will definitely benefit the students.