CSE department organized a workshop on Machine Learning with ThinkNext team

The workshop on Machine Learning was organized by CSE department in association with ThinkNext team. It outlines the necessity of Machine Learning. Machine Leaning is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to effectively perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and interference instead. It is seen as a subset of Artificial Intelligence. The workshop covers the following types of learning:
1) Supervised Learning
2) Unsupervised Learning
They also give overview about Machine Learning using R, Machine Learning using Python and its scope.
The main emphasis of this workshop was to make students understand about the applications of machine learning is various fields i.e. Banking, financial sector, health care, retail and publishing etc. Students get the knowledge about how one can use the data by means of insights and how analytics can be performed on that data. They also learned that how the multi-variety and multidimensional data can be handled while working in dynamic environments using machine learning. Students learn about how the various tools present in machine learning can provide continuous quality, large and complex process environments. Students are now clear about the major challenge faced by machine learning and how they can work on it. It covered the learning path assumptions which are mainly used in machine learning i.e.
(1) Domain knowledge
(2) Technical skills
(3) Data Analytics skills
(4) Communication skills
Team also give brief knowledge about the major areas like Big Data, Data Science, Regression and Neural Networks.
To sum up, this workshop on machine learning outlines the necessity of Machine Learning. The main emphasize was on how one can use the data by means of insights and how analytics can be performed on that data. Increased reviewer agreement appeared to be associated with improved predictive performance. Students learn about how predictions can be done on data and how various tools present in machine learning can provide continuous quality, large and complex process environments. Major areas like Big Data, Data Science, Regression and Neural Networks were also covered in this workshop.