OORJA CLUB of Applied Science organised Group Discussion Competition 2k19

A Group Discussion Competition 2k19 organised by OORJA CLUB of Applied Science & Humanity, of Universal Institute of Engineering and Technology in Seminar Hall Block C.
Dr. Tarun Kumar Lohani (Director Engineering) being Chief Guest delivered a captivating talk for all participants from 1 st year. More than fifty students from various colleges under Universal Society took part in this event especially the participant students from Universal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Universal Law College, Divya Shiksha Gurukal College of Education and Universal Pharmacy College grace the event by their active participation in this event.
This Group Discussion Competition was based on two topics namely Impact of Social Media on Human Behaviours and Government Job Sector v/s private job sector. Ms. Shreya, Mr. Yatin and Mr. Harash Kumar Mishra (1 st Year student & Student Coordinator of the Club) organized this activity with their untiring efforts under the proper guidance of Mr. Sohan Lal
(HoD), Ms. Ritika Joshi (Club Co-Coordinator), Mr. Ramnath (Club Coordinator), Mr. Deep Kumar and Ms. Kanika Mittal (Faculty App. Sci. UIET). On the other hand, Ms. Kshipra Kapoor (HoD, CE), Mr.Vishal Jagota (HoD, ME) Mr. Shabaj (HoD, CSE), with his faculty was also presented over there. Finally, 1st Prize won by Mr. Rajnesh Kumar Jha (from CSE UIET department) and the runner up prize won by Mr. Pankhil Kumar (Student BALLB 1 st year).