Universal Law College organised Inter Debate competition on Article 370 of the Indian constitution on 28 th August 2019

Shoolini University hosted Inter Debate competition on Article 370 of the Indian constitution on 28 th August 2019. Teams from 18 different colleges participated in this competition and Universal Law College got the runner up trophy in this competition. The name of the students is Jatin (B.ALL.B 5th) and Pankhil (B.ALL.B 3 rd ). And it is our honour that ULC students participated In front of honourable judges Namely Justice SS Thakur, Former Judge of High court of Shimla, Sh. Rajesh K Sharma, Assistant Solicitor General of India, Advocate Amit
Dhumal Deputy Director, Retd. Prosecution Sh. RR thakur Judged the event.