UIN organised an event in collaboration with CHC, Lalru on topic World Hepatitis Day with theme "Hepatitis can't wait"

Universal institute of nursing organised an event in collaboration with CHC, Lalru on topic World Hepatitis Day and the theme was "Hepatitis can't wait" on dated 28 July 2021. Every year Hepatitis Day is celebrated on dated 28 th July to raise the awareness regarding viral Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes hepatocellular cancer. On Dated 28 July, we celebrated World Hepatitis Day at, CHC Lalru. A skit was prepared by students of UIN to create awareness regarding Hepatitis along with speech was also delivered by student of B.sc 2 nd yr regarding causes, risk factors, signs & symptoms, prevention of hepatitis. At the end of the event, The SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER appreciated students and teachers for organising this benifical event, and also reinforced the students and teachers to organise such events in future.
This year's theme was "Hepatitis can't wait", conveying the urgency of efforts needed to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. With a person dying every 30 seconds from a hepatitis related illness-even in the current-19 crisis-we can't wait to act on viral hepatitis. The main motive was to create awareness regarding hepatitis among community people.