UIN organized Covid Vaccination camp in the campus on dated 28 th August 2021

Universal Institute of Nursing organized Covid Vaccination camp in the campus on dated 28 th August 2021. The event was organized in the Block-A in the Board room. Total 4 health team members visited the campus for vaccination. They arrived in the campus at 10:00am. Total they have vaccinated 60 candidates out of which 14 were vaccinated for 1 st dose and 46 were vaccinated for 2 nd dose of Covi-shield vaccine. The session ends at 2:00pm. As during this Covid pandemic Covid vaccines are effective as they help us in following ways.
1. They can keep you from getting and spreading virus that causes COVID-19.
2. COVID-19 vaccines also help keep you away from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19
3. Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you.
4. Vaccination helps you to reconnect with friends and families.