A panel discussion was organised on Women Equality Day by UCE, Ballopur on 26th August 2021

A panel discussion was organised on Women Equality Day by Universal College of Education, Ballopur on 26 th August 2021. The theme of day was The Impact of Covid-19 on Women. Guests of the day were Dr. Neelu Khanna, Counsellor & life coach, Ms.Monika Arora, National President, Women Power Society, Member, Sexual Harassment Committee, Higher Education, Haryana Govt and Ms. Pooja Verma, Journalist, TV Bharat. Director Academics, UGI, Ms. Prabhjot Kaur welcomed all the guests. Ms.Monika threw the light on the
conditions of women by saying that women are already doing most of the world’s unpaid care work but Covid 19 has resulted in a dramatic increase in this burden. The negative impacts are more for women for the last one and half years without proactive interventions and the reproduction of everyday life through cooking, raising children, and so forth. In India, it is the responsibility of women to raise and educate their children without institutional support, which is reducing remunerated working hours and increasing stress during Covid19. She said that mothers have a key role in upbringing their children equally. Ms.Pooja also highlighted the sensitive issue of early marriage of young girls during Covid 19 and said that the impact of COVID-19 could force the people to sell their young girls to meet their daily needs. Domestic violence has increased. Failures of marriages are more prominent and it leads to more
divorce cases. Due to unemployment in Covid 19, Physical harassment and verbal abuse is the regular feature of many more homes. Dr. Neelu said that these prevailing conditions of women can be lessened with understanding of the psychology of women and we should try to give them a healthy environment to breathe and also talked about healthy lifestyle .She also talked about the equal responsibility of home. To conclude Dr.Kompal Wadhawan, Principal, Universal College of Education extended a vote of thanks. With the words that achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women & men, girls and boys. It is everyone’s responsibility.