UIMT Organised a Quiz COMPETITION on Role of Women in Today's Business world

Objectives of the Event:-
1. To examine the creative and rapid thinking skills of the students as well as to encourage the students to widen their knowledge.
2. To make the students aware of the subject and at the same time improve their analytical skills as well.
3. To emphasize on the improvement of the intellect and General Knowledge of the students.
Details of the Event:-
In Indian economies women are now starting business at a faster rate than men, making significant contributions to job creation and economy growth. Women are more likely to start
businesses which focus on sustainability. While keeping in to consideration the role of women this event was started with the theme “Role of Women in Today’s Business". The event was started with the welcome address by Ms Yanshika and Mr Nirbhay. After that Honorable Principal sir addressed to the students and he also gave an informative speech on International Women Day.
There were total 18 teams from different colleges in the competition. The first round was screening round. Each team was asked ten questions and 7 Teams cleared that round very easily and got qualified for the second round The second round was a Pictorial round. Each team was asked 10 question which they had to answer in 30 seconds. All the teams were well prepared and the competition was very tough. The students surprised the audience with their in-depth knowledge and got selected for the final round.
In the Final Round there were 4 teams, total number of questions asked were 44 the most surprising and interesting round where all the 4 teams were fully geared up to answer the question. The teams participated with great enthusiasm. They skillfully answered the questions asked. Though some of the questions were very tricky, the teams tried to answer them with confidence.
The questions put forth to the teams were intriguing and exciting. The audience clapped when the teams answered correctly. The audience also got a chance to participate every time the teams answered incorrectly. The results were announced at the end of the quiz.
Team 1st (Maroofa Rashid War, Tabasum Manzoor, Ryhana Musarik Bsc Nursing 4 th sem)
Team 2nd (Yashwani Sharma, Anjali Mishra (MBA 4 th ), Nematullah (BBA 3rd)
Team 3rd (Shifali, Sweety, Shivani (MBA 2nd)
As most of the winners were women so it was proved that they were always ready to participate in each and every field with great enthusiasm. According to the students feedback Quiz was very informative and knowledge enriching for the participants as well as for the audience. The students displayed ecstatic spirit and enjoyed the quiz to the fullest. It must be written here that this type of competition enhances eagerness among students. In the event Honourable Campus Director, Dean Academic, and Principal (UIMT) gave their wishes and blessings to the participants and to the faculty members.