UGI organized an Industrial Visit for ME students of UPC to Punjab Lighting Industries Ltd.

The 5th semester students of Mechanical Engineering of Universal Polytechnic College, Lalru along with three faculty members visited Punjab Lighting Industries Ltd, E-3, Phase 2, Industrial Area, Sector 58, Mohali Punjab on 22 September 2014.
Punjab Lighting Industries Limited (Formerly Known as Punjab Lighting Aids Pvt. Ltd), a certified company, manufacturer of Lead in Wires and Caps for Lamps, Bright Annealed Bare and Plated Wires of Ferrous and Non Ferrous Alloys.
Industry is equipped with best machinery available in the international market and is acquired from USA, Japan, etc.
Total number of students = 91
Faculty Members: – Er Rajesh Jaglan, Er Keshav Kumar and Er Sumit
The capacity of installed machinery have been enhance more than 125 times from 1993 to present, mainly due to meet the demand. Company is known for its Quality, Delivery, Support, Technology, Environment and Safety consistently.
Students while being guided through a perfect interactive tour by company employees.
Above image provide us the process how to reduce the diameter of MS wire, which is further electroplated with copper and tungsten for making of filament.
This visit gave students an opportunity to know the manufacturing process of the products, some of which they used in day to day life. The students were also learning about the working of available latest machineries.